
Kasadah Ceremony is indonesian culture facts

Kasadah Ceremony is Indonesian Culture Facts

Tenggerese is the tribe that inhabit the slopes or around Mount Bromo, East Java. According to origin, the name of the tribe derives from the name of the ancestral pair tenggerese Roro Anteng and named Joko So. The tribe is housed in a cold location produces a variety of vegetables especially cabbage, carrots, potatoes and onions. This hefty tenggerese area is extensive, ranging from the region of Probolinggo, Malang, Pasuruan to Malang.

Tenggerese community is predominantly Hindu. And one of the identical from this tribe is typical of their ceremony, namely Kasada ceremony. Kasada ceremony also known as Yadnya Kasada Feast or Kasodo. Kasada ceremony is a customary ritual held by the tenggerese every once a year when the Moon enters the Kasada exactly fall on day 14 in accordance with the Hindu calendar.
Kasadah Ceremony is indonesian culture facts (image: wikipedia.com)

Kasadah Ceremony Of The Tenggerese Process (Indonesian Culture Facts)

Cultural mores Kasada ceremony located around the crater of Mount Bromo precisely as Temple located at the foot of the north side, which is then followed to the Summit of Mount Bromo. Kasada ceremony is a form of giving of the offerings for the patron that is Sang Hyang Widhi. In addition, the ceremony Kasada Bromo is a ceremony that aims to honor and commemorate a great sacrifice Kusuma, the son of Raden Jaka So and Lara Anteng. As for the public, there is a strong belief if doing Kasada ceremony procession, then will be given safety, prosperity and blessings.

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Kasada ceremony culture ritual has the agenda of taking holy water from Springs Widodaren. Kasada ceremony begins with the inaugural elders Tengger and staging a ballet Rara Anteng and Jaka So. Then, at precisely midnight, the shaman's inauguration was held as well as the blessing of the Hindus.

At the time of the ceremony this Kasada, tenggerese will produce and bring in droves of cattle are regarded as a thank you to the Lord over results of the agriculture and animal husbandry. The results of the Earth was taken using a container that is named ongkek. The offerings in this ongkek will be thrown into the crater of Mount Bromo Kasada ceremony when finished.

Why Kasada Ceremony held at Mount Bromo? (Indonesian Culture Facts)

There is a story that until now was believed to be a small community, related to enliven ceremony Kasada Bromo. According to the story, it originated from the story of Jaka So and Rara Anteng married but have not yet had children.

Then So Jaka and Rara Anteng placing meditated and hope on the creator in order that the child be given immediately. Both begged Sang Hyang Widhi with so khusyuk. And suddenly there was something rather supernatural Whisper that says So and Jaka Rara Anteng will soon have a child, but with certain conditions. The requirement is if it gets the kids very diingikannya then the youngest child should be sacrificed in the crater of Mount Bromo. Although heavy, they finally agreed the terms of an already submitted.

And it's true, just how long the child was anticipated. Long story short, at the time specified, Roro Anteng and Jaka So pick because nobody dares to sacrifice his only son into the crater of Bromo. Seeing this, the gods are angry and gives him the plagues. Kesuma who was the youngest So Jaka will and Roro Jonggrang was exposed to fire and into the crater of Mount Bromo.

Kasada Ceremony culture which takes place in Bromo is usually very crowded. It's not just a small community, but thousands of tourists, both local and foreigners also participated the ceremony witnessed the Kasada.

" Kasadah Ceremony is Indonesian Culture Facts "

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